the ultimate low cost internet
back up solution

low cost, high SPEED

When always-on internet is critical to your business, then you need a truly resilient back-up solution.  Using the latest 5G technology, we can provide a fast, stable connection to businesses that delivers a reliable back-up connection.  

IS YOUR BUSINESS as resilient as you think?

So you have an internet backup already right?

Chances are it goes through the same cable ducts, to the same BT Exchange and may even be through the same ISP.  So, in the event of cable or duct damage, BT or ISP outage you've lost all connection.  

A totally separate connection that does not rely on the same infrastructure as your primary connection.

low cost

A fraction of the cost of traditional options.

rapid deployment

Avoid often lengthy wait times for traditional connections.  

fast internet

5G can deliver ultrafast speeds so depending on location is similar in performance to full fibre broadband.

voip compatible

High speed, low latency and bandwidth flexibility makes 5G suitable for cloud telephony (VoIP) systems.


Unlike traditional connections, you can take it with you if you move offices!